An old favourite
This dresser has been in my family since 1975. There is still an old newspaper from that year in one of the drawers. Of course its origins pre date that year but my parents bought it then and it was a regular fixture in their home and has ended up in my home. It’s big and over the years as a family we have seen it adorned with plates, cups, jugs, roasts, toasts, drinks, decanters and more. It still has the cup hooks my father screwed into it to hang mugs on! It went into storage for a while after my parents passed away and when it was returned to us was missing a drawer. We found this gap was conveniently just the right size to house wine so the gap has stayed. Its all part of its history and character. It is also a good back drop for various pieces of art. It has always been adorned with various greeting cards as well as children’s drawings and paintings.
At the moment a framed Tate modern poster from the 60’s is propped up on it but I use it here to show off one of my paintings called ‘Dancing on the Sand’.
I love mixing old and new in my home so as well as having this dear old dresser and looking round I realise quite a few vintage pieces collected over the years. I do like to add in the odd modern piece into the mix, white paint, lots of artwork by lots of different artists and of course plenty of greenery!